Links and ideas on products, materials, suppliers of supplies, tools and components that drive the work forward. 

Many components of a pop pop / putt putt engine and boat can be made from "found objects". This is not only handy for your hobby budget but is a great 're-purposing" strategy in general that we all strongly support. Thrift stores , your own home , garage sales as well as the ubiquitous $1 Stores and home improvement centers when you need top buy. 

So be resourceful- it is a great trait to develop...once you know what you are looking for!  

K& S Metals- most hobby stores and Craft stores

McMaster -Carr


Small Parts Inc- So many little things you need

Stock Drive Products- more little things to finish your project with

Thrift stores

Michael s Crafts

Home Depot / DIY Home stores- Aluminum flashing, rivets, solder etc, copper / fittings

Harbor Freight Tools- Inexpensive materials, supplies and tools

THE LIBRARY- Recommended Books 

This list is being compiled