Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Wick burners for Putt Putt engines.

                                                All shapes and all sizes.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Loud Jack Black

This video is a follow up to my Part 13 Easy Putt Putt Engine Build.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Easy Putt Putt Engine Build.

Here is a link to a new video. This is a very easy putt putt engine build that will give decent power, a loud sound and usually reliable performance..


Sunday, May 8, 2011

WWPPBB2 Grand Prize Winner Declared

After a wonderful showing by all the contestants from around the world this years winner was GARY279 from the Unofficial Mamod And other Steam Forum...All the results can be seen here But the grand prize winner deserves the spot light all to himself.

Here is the link to the "Boat Hall featuring all the entries WWPPBB 2 Boat Hall

A wonderful construction featuring a brass sheet hull with copper detailing and 2 engines- a coil engine and a diaphragm engine ( the first he has ever built!!). Gary's modeling skills are apparent and the results fantastic--

On to the photos.....of his entry "DOMAM"

I give you the "DOMAM"  ( MAMOD - backwards!)

We hope to see you enter next Spring-- anyone can do it!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

WWPPBB2 Concludes !! Pop Pop is the star!!!

I am a member of a steam forum - The Mamod and Other Steam Forum Check them out !! The friendliest bunch on the web- I promise!!
 The Mamod and Other Steam Forum

For the second year I have had the privilege of  hosting a Spring event to foster steam boats by holding a boat building contest. A Pop Pop Boat Building contest! This year 12 boats were entered by members from 7 countries. There were two classes - Classic and Open...

Please take a moment and visit the thread where the entries were submitted WWPPBB2 Entries  Prizes and awards to be named May 8 2011. Thanks to all that participated!!

Here are a couple of the fine entries submitted for you to enjoy. 

This one from Australia

 This one from the US

And this one by a fellow from  Estonia

Welcome to the world of simple steam engines

Whether you call them  Pop Pop or Put Put or by some other onomatopoeia - this blogs purpose is to exhaust the possibilities when it comes to these engines

If you have anything to share- please do so.