The library of acquired papers, pictures, drawings, scribblings, models, theorems and links.
This explores the theory of the Tesla Valvular Conduite ( things speed up as they squeeze through a narrowing of a passage- kind of- veturi effect)
Studies andReports in PDF Form
Pop-pop efficiency - New evaluation method.pdf
Various types of pop-pop engines.pdf
Building a diaphragm pop-pop engine .pdf
Diaphragm Engine Tests.pdf
Coil engine performances.pdf
Thrust vs heating power.pdf
Optimumlength of a pop-pop engine.pdf
Temperature gradient of pipes.pdf
Cooling effect on the thrust .pdf
Nozzle Shape .pdf
Efficiency of a pop-pop engine.pdf
Pop-pop Engine Diagram of the Cycle.pdf
Working principle of a pulsed waterjet.pdf
Proof of propulsive dissymmetry.pdf
Frequency of a pop-pop engine.pdf
The ideal engine.pdf
Best performances.pdf
Pop-pop engine-hull adaptation.pdf
The flying pop-pop.pdf
Hydraulic simulator of pop-pop engine.pdf
Pulsed water, jet or pump.pdf
Gas in a pop-pop engine.pdf
Test Bench thrust mesureing.pdf