We believe these will help in making your own engines and or boats and will truly be worth the cost ( new or used)
- Hammer- as little as $2 at a thrift store- a great place if your budget is tight!!
- Harbor Freight butane soldering torch- $7.00
- Assortment of sand paper
- Solder / flux
- a small vise
- Small files $3.00
- 1 -12" square ceramic tile to solder on
- Fret Saw & assortment of blades
- Hand Seamer for boat hulls-
- Flux / Acid brushes
Annealing different metals-
What is Annealing and why should I care?- Explanation to follow
TOOLS REQUIRED- Kitchen stove burners ( gas only ) , small gas torches, welding torches, BBQ grill, hot-mitt and or tongs / pliers
KEY TERMS- Work-hardening, tempering, annealing, de-zincing, crimp, oxidization,
STEEL and it's family of metals-
Tools Required - Hand bending tools like sheet pliers-type metal benders, a vise and block method or sheet metal brake for sheet materials or tubing benders( lever, pliers or spring type).
Key terms -
SHEET- See pictures further down
Here are a few links that explain the bending of tubing
TOOLS REQUIRED- Soldering iron- furnace type, plug-in ( either gun or rod type) or small refillable gas torch or very careful use of a small gas welding set
SUPPLIES- Flux, solder (s), cleaning agents
KEY TERMS- Tinning, cleaning, pickle(ing),silver brazing ( true silver soldering) vs soft soldering, filleted joint, cold joint, Solder, Flux
Solder Paste - Solder in a squeezable tube -Really
Coiled / wound
NOTE- Some solder is for electrical and some is for metal work and has a range of melting temperatures. Read labels before you buy!!
Solder Pate discussion and video links
More discussion and information on Paste-Type solder
Paste Solder guide and discussion
Don't miss this informative discussion on soldering. Dean knows his way around a shop and really knows how to communicate information !! Check Dean out here also- he has a lot of shop projects going on here Deans Photographica
Dean Williams Soldering Guide
Wikipedia Solder Information
Soldering Small Tubing
After-Soldering Flux Removal and Pickle???
Check it out HERE
Jewelers Saw ( Fret , or the better jig saw)
Here is a valuable discussion on these fabulous saws-- I highly recommend them for wood and metal
Fret Saws
Files are one of the most used tools in my shop- every one will learn something new in this informative post. More great information from Dean Williams
All you need to know about files, care and use
Sheet Metal Seamer's
This little18" brake makes short work of bending seams and angles in up to 16 Ga sheet metal- about $30 USD. A luxury - but handy if you bend a lot of metal and need it to look crisp.
I find this little hand seamer very handy for small work- About $8.00 USD
Even though this is covered in the soldering section above- this inexpensive butane torch is about all I use except when I am silver brazing...About $7.50 USD
Files- You cannot have enough of them- Another group of tools that I use everyday. This small set is only about $3.00 ( comes with a plastic case)